06 November 2009

fashion politburo

back in beijing after really enjoying xi'an!

so the factory 798/dashanzi art district is a bit played-out by now, but it's still a pretty happening place for art, food, coffee, indie boutiques, and other literati/chic things. i'd wanted to visit for ages, and i even did a presentation on it as a freshman in my chinese language class back in chicago...i finally got to live the dream.

friends wandering.


meditative, in the midst of old german-designed factories.

an entire exhibit by ai weiwei, perhaps the most famous chinese modern artist. i didn't realize the exhibit was happening, so when i wandered into the gallery i just about jumped up and down in excitement that i had stumbled upon it...

monks, in a different gallery

i didn't get the chance to snap a better picture, but that ad definitely says "fashion politburo."

1 comment:

  1. Ah, German industrial design is the best.

    (they are machine men with machine hearts.)

    The German countryside is beautiful in the same way northwest Indiana is beautiful, but they've nothing on the Dutch, who don't fuck everything up with factories.
