10 November 2009

chinese wedding

lovely lovely couple taking lovely lovely wedding photos at the confucius temple. taking vanity or wedding photos in public parks is super common here...at some time or another i have seen at least ten people being followed around by professional photographers in parks.

how cute and funny would it be to be working the ticket office at a confucian temple and have a fully dressed bride and groom, plus two photographers, come up and pay the park entrance fee?\

note the blending on the dress of the western-style white and chinese-style red.

fashionista ready

hilarious h & m ad near renmin university in haidian...

08 November 2009

lama temple

a few extra shots from my visit to yonghegong, a lamaist temple in beijing, and the nearby confucius temple earlier this fall.

chic monk?

at the confucius temple/imperial university...scarf from beijing zoo market, old-school georgetown hoyas t-shirt.

06 November 2009


at 798 art district. wearing a fake hermes scarf, plus an american apparel t-shirt and a seconhand skirt.
flowers in individual plastic pots are all over china's public space in pretty displays, but as an environmental studies student it feels like a toothache to see so many disposable containers everywhere...

reflected in an exhibition piece at the "voyage/disintegration" show at 798 space.

fashion politburo

back in beijing after really enjoying xi'an!

so the factory 798/dashanzi art district is a bit played-out by now, but it's still a pretty happening place for art, food, coffee, indie boutiques, and other literati/chic things. i'd wanted to visit for ages, and i even did a presentation on it as a freshman in my chinese language class back in chicago...i finally got to live the dream.

friends wandering.


meditative, in the midst of old german-designed factories.

an entire exhibit by ai weiwei, perhaps the most famous chinese modern artist. i didn't realize the exhibit was happening, so when i wandered into the gallery i just about jumped up and down in excitement that i had stumbled upon it...

monks, in a different gallery

i didn't get the chance to snap a better picture, but that ad definitely says "fashion politburo."