every january, the gay-straight alliance at my alma mater high school throws a dance. it's a homey, open-to-all, DIY-type thing, so students and a few teachers do all the lighting, decorating, and dj'ing. i helped during setup and attended faithfully every year when i was in high school. this ain't your average school dance--people really go all out fashion-wise, since there is a loose rocky horror/rainbow theme. i remember wearing some pretty wild stuff to the dance, always some combination of patterned or fishnet or colored tights, high heels or converse, costume jewelry, and lots of makeup.
i always miss the dance now because i'm back in chicago by the time it happens. my friends who are still in high school posted photos of the 2009 dance a few weeks ago. here's a sampling of the weird-but-wonderful punky dance style. photos by
G. and



